Ile Omode School, provides a comprehensive Pre-K through 8th grade education and is, in our opinion, the premier private, African-centered elementary school in the city of Oakland.
Since 1986 Ile Omode has educated hundreds of children in the regular school program, as well as afterschool, weekend, and summer programs.
Our students excel in a number of fields including mathematics, science, music, literature and sports. After graduating from Ile Omode and high school, many of them go on to colleges or universities to continue their studies.
The members of Wo’se Community Church established Ile Omode as a manifestation of kujichagulia, self-determination. As Dr. Maulana Karenga reminds us that kujichagulia requires that communities, “determine their own destiny”, and thus take responsibility for changing their conditions.
Ile Omode are words of the Yoruba people of West Africa. Together, they mean “House of the Children”.
Children are obviously essential to a school, but the name recognizes that we exist so that they may be served. Our school is designed to educate and train our young people to become outstanding leaders and workers for our people.
The campus is located at 8924 Holly Street, Oakland, CA 94621.
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